DearDiary 1.0 Help


Here is my evaluation of the content of this website:

  • Purpose: The website is a personal project of a French IT enthusiast who writes about various topics related to security, reverse engineering, deprogramming, and more. He calls it his "Dear Diary" and shares his experiences, mistakes, and fun with his readers.

  • Quality: The website is informal, casual, and sometimes humorous in tone. The author does not claim to be an expert or a professional, but rather a curious and passionate learner. He admits his errors and failures, and invites feedback and suggestions from his readers. The website is not meant to be a comprehensive or authoritative source of information, but rather a personal and experimental exploration of various IT topics.

  • Organization: The website uses JetBrains Writerside as an IDE for better organization and presentation. The website has a simple and minimalist design, with a navigation bar on the left and a main content area on the right. The navigation bar contains links to the overview, FAQ, bookmarks, and various entries of the diary. The main content area displays the selected entry, with a title, date, and text. The website does not have any images, videos, or other multimedia elements.

  • Audience: The website is intended for anyone who is interested in IT, especially security and reverse engineering. The website assumes some basic knowledge and familiarity with IT concepts and tools, but does not require any advanced or specialized skills. The website is suitable for beginners, hobbyists, students, or anyone who wants to learn more about IT topics in a fun and informal way.

Last modified: 07 February 2024