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2021/11/10 : Exploring emotet

  • SHA256 : 878d5137e0c9a072c83c596b4e80f2aa52a8580ef214e5ba0d59daa5036a92f8

  • Probably the scariest trojan of the current days. Let's explore it. I'm using ghidra again.

  • According to ghidra, the only import is KERNEL32.DLL::WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId

  • I wonder what it can possibly be with so little, and I'll have to find out.

  • The obvious step for now is to find out how it loads other functions to be able to do anything.

  • There isn't that much function and a quick overview found this stuff, I renamed the functions with my own naming convention.

  • I have no idea what it's doing. I'll have to (possibly) patch the function signature too.

  • There is also a lot of repetitive call to the same function pointer

  • Then I'll have to trace back the references to the function pointers

  • Here is how it looks for now

void k_DLL_loadfunction?(void) { undefined4 uVar1; undefined4 local_8; k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); uVar1 = local_8; (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(0x21,0x54b7e774,&DAT_0040c040); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar1); (*_k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1); k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); uVar1 = local_8; (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(1,0x3c505b91,&DAT_0040c0c8); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar1); (*_k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1); k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); uVar1 = local_8; (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(2,0x10577008,&DAT_0040c214); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar1); (*_k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1); k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); uVar1 = local_8; (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(1,0x7194b56b,&DAT_0040c0c4); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar1); (*_k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1); k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); uVar1 = local_8; (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(1,0x20edec96,&DAT_0040c0cc); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar1); (*_k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1); k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); uVar1 = local_8; (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(2,0x620cb38e,&DAT_0040c21c); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar1); (*_k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1); k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); uVar1 = local_8; (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(0xe,0x5a7185ae,&DAT_0040c230); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar1); (*_k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1); k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(3,0x73ee0ad8,&DAT_0040c224); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,local_8); (*_k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1); k_DLL_afterLoadFunction?(); return; }
  • Tons of "CALL dword ptr [k_DLL_FP1/2/3]" and there isn't a single write directly referring to the FP's addresses

    • It must be part of a struct or an array

    • AND their addresses are : 0040c1e8, 0040c17c, 0040c1a8, they're quite close to each-others

    • AND there is a lot of 4 bytes data in there. possibly a huge list of (function?) pointer

    • if I scroll up a little bit I find the address "0040c040", an XREF find me a PUSH to this address.

    • and it leads directly to "k_DLL_loadfunction3?(0x21,0x54b7e774,&DAT_0040c040);"

    • Heh :)

    • If we look at all the &DAT_ in k_DLL_loadfunction3, the address are not that far to each other

    • And not far from the FP too.

    • I'll bet on an array of struct for now and take a closer look at k_DLL_loadfunction3?

    • (Btw, the 2nd argument may be a hash)


  • Duuuuh ! Of course there is a loop, of course the "suspected hash" is XOR'd

  • Time for celebration

void __cdecl k_DLL_loadfunction3?(uint loop,uint hash?,void *FP?) { char cVar1; int iVar2; int iVar3; int iVar4; int iVar5; uint uVar6; int in_ECX; uint uVar7; int in_EDX; char *pcVar8; uint uVar9; uint i; iVar5 = *(int *)(in_ECX + 0x3c) + in_ECX; uVar6 = *(int *)(iVar5 + 0x78) + in_ECX; iVar2 = *(int *)(uVar6 + 0x1c); iVar3 = *(int *)(uVar6 + 0x20); iVar4 = *(int *)(uVar6 + 0x24); uVar9 = 0; if (*(int *)(uVar6 + 0x18) != 0) { do { pcVar8 = (char *)(*(int *)(iVar3 + in_ECX + uVar9 * 4) + in_ECX); uVar7 = 0; cVar1 = *pcVar8; while (cVar1 != '\0') { pcVar8 = pcVar8 + 1; uVar7 = uVar7 * 0x1003f + (int)cVar1; cVar1 = *pcVar8; } i = 0; if (loop != 0) { do { if (*(uint *)(in_EDX + i * 4) == (uVar7 ^ hash?)) { uVar7 = *(int *)(iVar2 + in_ECX + (uint)*(ushort *)(iVar4 + in_ECX + uVar9 * 2) * 4) + in_ECX; if ((uVar6 <= uVar7) && (uVar7 < *(int *)(iVar5 + 0x7c) + uVar6)) { uVar7 = FUN_00401a20(); } *(uint *)((int)FP? + i * 4) = uVar7; break; } i = i + 1; } while (i < loop); } uVar9 = uVar9 + 1; } while (uVar9 < *(uint *)(uVar6 + 0x18)); } return; }

Back to k_DLL_loadfunction?

  • The call to function2 is always the same : k_DLL_loadfunction2?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8);```

  • It's not loading something as my naming imply. it's probably doing a system call.

  • it is now named "k_DLL_systemCall?"

  • We have a repetition of this pattern

k_DLL_systemCall?(0x4a604ebc,&local_8); uVar1 = local_8; (*_k_DLL_FP2)(local_8); k_DLL_loadfunction3?(0x21,0x54b7e774,&DAT_0040c040); uVar1 = (*_k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar1); (*(code *)k_DLL_FP1)(uVar1);
  • One of them have to a LoadLibrary() or something close to it.

  • it would be way too inconvenient if it wasn't the case (but we never know with malware, I may be deep into a rabbit hole instead)

  • I'll take a small break, rename stuff, explore some more.

  • And it's getting late anyway.

The function calling k_DLL_loadfunction is this one, looks familiar ? I hope it does, or you haven't been paying attention

/* WARNING: Globals starting with '_' overlap smaller symbols at the same address */ undefined4 k_DLL_beforeLoad?(void) { undefined4 uVar1; undefined4 uVar2; int iVar3; int iVar4; int iVar5; undefined local_364 [520]; undefined local_15c [128]; undefined local_dc [128]; undefined4 local_5c [11]; undefined4 local_30; undefined4 local_18; undefined4 local_14; undefined4 local_8; (*_DAT_0040c1d4)(0,local_364,0x104); uVar1 = FUN_004019e0(); k_DLL_systemCall?(0x4dbac13f,&local_8); uVar2 = local_8; (*_DAT_0040c200)(local_15c,0x40,local_8,uVar1); uVar2 = (*(code *)k_DLL_FP3)(0,uVar2); (*(code *)k_DLL_FP1)(uVar2); k_DLL_systemCall?(0x4dbac13f,&local_8); (*_DAT_0040c200)(local_dc,0x40,local_8,uVar1); uVar2 = (*(code *)k_DLL_FP3)(0,local_8); (*(code *)k_DLL_FP1)(uVar2); iVar3 = (*_DAT_0040c1b4)(0,1,0,local_15c); if (iVar3 != 0) { iVar4 = (*_DAT_0040c1cc)(0,1,local_dc); if (iVar4 == 0) { (*_DAT_0040c120)(iVar3); } else { iVar5 = (*_DAT_0040c158)(); if (iVar5 == 0xb7) { (*_DAT_0040c128)(iVar3); (*_DAT_0040c120)(iVar3); (*_DAT_0040c120)(iVar4); k_DLL_loadfunction?(); return 1; } (*k_DLL_FP4)(local_5c,0,0x44); local_5c[0] = 0x44; local_30 = 0x80; iVar5 = (*_DAT_0040c118)(local_364,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,local_5c,&local_18); if (iVar5 != 0) { (*_DAT_0040c18c)(iVar3,0xffffffff); (*_DAT_0040c120)(local_18); (*_DAT_0040c120)(local_14); (*_DAT_0040c120)(iVar3); (*_DAT_0040c120)(iVar4); return 1; } } } return 0; }
Last modified: 16 January 2024