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is JAX cool ?

Python is slow, and don't get me started on how it "call C". Even numpy is slow (except for slow computations, then it's relatively fast).

Is JAX cool ? Does it "make Python fast" ? Perhaps.

It can be a straight-up replacement for numpy, but faster (on GPU, TPU, or CPU fallback).

Testing stuff

import jax.numpy as jnp from jax import grad, jit, vmap from jax import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline x = jnp.arange(0,2*jnp.pi,0.1) # start,stop,step for j in range(20): y = 0 for i in range(1,j,2): y += jnp.sin(x*i)/i plt.plot(x,y)

To be honest, it's not a good benchmark to compare with numpy. I'm just putting it here because i always forget how to make square waves from sin (Fourier series).

But it look like numpy, so it's cool.


There is probably a more JNX-ish wat to do it, but how ? Ask Copilot chat ?

Copilot is still using loops. Perhaps it's how it's done in JAX.

I'll need to try some other examples. Perhaps Fractals, or Fractals.

I'll add sawtooth while i'm at it. (no need to screenshot, it's just a sawtooth)

for j in range(20): y = 0 for i in range(2,j,2): y += jnp.sin(x*i)/i plt.plot(x,y)

Factorial approximation (Stirling’s formula) :

y = jnp.sqrt(2*jnp.pi*x) * jnp.power(x/jnp.e,x) plt.plot(x,y)

Plot the difference between the approximation and the actual factorial :

import jax.numpy as jnp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from jax import lax x = jnp.arange(1, 10, 0.1) # start, stop, step factorial_x = jnp.exp(lax.lgamma(x + 1)) # factorial of x stirling_approx = jnp.sqrt(2 * jnp.pi * x) * jnp.power(x / jnp.e, x) # Stirling's approximation percentage_difference = jnp.abs(factorial_x - stirling_approx) / factorial_x * 100 # percentage difference plt.plot(x, percentage_difference) plt.title('Percentage difference between factorial and Stirling\'s approximation') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('Percentage Difference')

Hello mandelbrot

Last modified: 06 February 2024