DearDiary 1.0 Help

SOMe unnamed software

There is "this software" that I very much enjoy in its free version. I don't feel the need to "unlock" the full version, but I like to understand what I'm using, right ? And the software is kind enough to have a LicenceManager.exe (not the real name) that may or may be not obfuscated.

Reinstall Ghidra, add some clickety-click, and here we go.

The LicenceManager.exe

Loading the exe in ghidra, recursively import DLLs and so on, you know the drill. (if you don't, you're reading the wrong page)

The search for strings

When in doubt, search for strings.

Lots of strings, lots of error messages about invalid licence, invalid key, invalid whatever. There are a few messages as well about not being able to contact to a server. Slightly more interesting but nothing unexpected.

The search for imported DLLs


How it's used in the LicenceManager.exe :

iVar3 = WTSQuerySessionInformationW(0,0xffffffff,5,&local_70,&local_74);

Awwww... It's not even using the SessionId. It's just querying the current session.

5 is WTSUserName, so it's querying the username of the current session.


Holdonaminit !

The strings search report a lot of stuff about internet, server, proxy, but where is the DLL import ? You know, winsock, wininet, stuff like that.

Should we bother to look for it ?



Last modified: 23 January 2024